a. Synonyms: Beg
b. Antonyms: disapprove, reject
1. Sentence:- Colleges solicit the smarter students to go to their school.
2. -Henry was accused of soliciting his colleagues to destroy the documents
2. Mad - mentally disturbed; deranged; insane; demented.
a. Synonyms: Angry
b. Antinyms: Happy
1. Sentence:- My driving teacher was mad, because I miss my lesson for the day.
2. -I’m mad, because I lost my homework.
Succinct: (Adj) -expressed in few words; concise; terse
a. Synonyms: to the point
Antonyms: lengthy, long
Sentence: - Please state your case as succinctly as possible.
-Japanese poems are Succinct, but they get right to the point.
Phantasm: (N) -an illusory likeness of something.
a. Synonyms: dream, fantasy
b. Antonyms: reality
1. Sentence:- A little girl’s phantasm was to live in candy land.
2. – Some people tend to live in a phantasm, because it was too hard to accept reality.
Docile: (Adj) -easily managed or handled.
a. Synonyms: easily influenced, easy going
b. Antonyms: headstrong, stubborn
1. Sentence:- A little kid is docile when it come to play time.
2. –kids are more easy to docile than adults, because they didn’t think through clearly.
Disposition: (N) -the predominant or prevailing tendency of one's spirits; natural mental and emotional outlook or mood; characteristic attitude.
a. Synonyms: control, direction
b. Antonyms: disarrangement, mismanagement
1. Sentence:- It’s hard to be disposition when dealing with kids, because they can be very annoying.
2. –Disposition is a good thing, because you don’t want to keep too many junk in the house.
Sagacious: (Adj) -having or showing keen discernment, and sound judgment.
a. Synonyms: knowledgeable, sharp, rational
b. Antonyms: careless, foolish, ignorant, stupid
1. Sentence:- It’s sagacious to check your answer twice, so that you wont make any mistake.
2. – If you are a sagacious, you will get along with anybody.
Paltry: (Adj) -lacking in importance or worth; trivial.
a. Synonyms: base, common, small, narrow
b. Antonyms: important, worthy, significant
1. Sentence:- A broken stoll is paltry, because it doesn’t have the use of it to anybody.
2. – Always pay attention in class even if it’s a paltry thing, because it might have a meaning in the future.
Gossamer: (N) -something delicate, light, or flimsy.
a. Synonyms: transparent, cobweb
b. Antonyms: thick
1. Sentence:- A glass is gossamer, because it’s transparent.
2. – A gossamer star is very shiny and beautiful at night.
Fidelity: (N) -faithfulness to obligations, duties, or observances.
a. Synonyms: attachment, faith
b. Antonyms: disloyalty
1. Sentence:- The fidelity of the servant’s is to the king.
2. – Fidelity is very important if you’re on a mission.
Procure: (V) -to get by special effort; obtain or acquire.
a. Synonyms: annex, bring
b. Antonyms: give away, lose
1. Sentence:- He procured extra cigarettes even though they were rational.
2. – If you’re going to procure a country, make sure that you know what you know what you’re doing.
Allusion: (N) -the act of alluding; indirect reference
a. Synonyms: implication
b. Antonyms: reality
1. Sentence:- If you take drug, then you will have an allusion.
2. – Allusion is not a good thing, because it keeps you away from reality.
Intemperance: (N) -excessive use of alcoholic beverages.
a. Synonyms: alcoholism, drunkness
b. Antonyms: clear mind
1. Sentence:- People tend to be intemperance if they face a problem in life.
2. – If you are an intemperance person, then you should get help.
Maltreat: (V) -to treat in a rough or cruel way
a. Synonyms: abuse
b. Antonyms: treating nicely
1. Sentence:- When parents maltreat children, the kid usually turns into a bad person.
2. – If you maltreat somebody, there’s a good chance that you are evil.
1. Sentence:- He lied and did not even scruple about it.
2. – The man scrupled to perjure himself.
16. Malevolence: (N) -ill will; malice; hatred.
a. Synonyms: evil, malice
b. Antonyms: goodwill
2. – A malevolent spirit is one that wishes to do harm.
1. Sentence:- She gossips malevolently.
17. Atrocity: (N) -the quality of being extremely or shockingly wicked, cruel, or brutal.
a. Synonyms: horror, villianousness
b. Antonyms: good behavior, pleasantry
1. Sentence:- The atrocity of the narrator in The Black Cat was sickening.
2. –Everybody is capable of being atrocity. It depends on whether we chose to or not.
18. Debauch: (N) -a period of wanton self-indulgence, an excessive party which includes consumption of alcohol.
a. Synonyms: abuse, betray, pervert, violated
b. Antonyms: clean, improve, purify, upgrade
1. Sentence:- If you debauch a law by drinking and driving, then you can go to jail for that.
2. – Nobody like to be around a debauch, because they are not define as normal.
19. Sentiment: (N) -a mental feeling; emotion.
a. Synonyms: concern
b. Antonyms: not being able to feel emotion
1. Sentence:- It’s nice to show a good sentiment toward the people around you so that they’ll know you cared.
2. –A sentiment card is appretiated by the reciver.
20. Remorse: (N) -deep and painful regret for wrongdoing.
a. Synonyms: guilty or bad conscience
b. Antonyms: satisfaction, happiness
1. Sentence:- Showing any remorse after doing something bad is the first step of forgiving yourself.
2. –It’s okay to feel remorse once in a while, because we all have a hard time once in our live, besides nobody’s perfect.
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