Friday, January 15, 2010

Ordinary People chap 4-5 DQ

Ordinary PEOPLE - DQ’s Chapter 4 &5

Chapter 4

  1. What is does Cal mean when he says, “he emphatically does not own her” in reference to Beth.

- That she have her own rules and he cant really control. It’s her way or no way.

  1. What is the real issue for Calvin when they are talking about Dr. Brandt’s diagnosis of Conrad? (Hint: “blaming” the doctor is not Calvin’s issue).

- He blames himself for what happen, because he thinks that if he could just talk to Conrad then they might not be in this situation.

  1. What does Ray say to Calvin about Conrad?

- He said that it might not be a good idea for Con to get back on a regular scheadule.

  1. What comparison does Cal make about his family and Ray’s?

- He thinks that Ray’s family should be more crazier than his family because he have two daughters.

  1. What does Cal mean when he says, “…no one knows what he believes – until it happens?”

- He believes that nothing can happen to his love ones but then his elder son Jordan died and his belief dissapear.

Chapter 5

  1. What is Conrad’s first impression of Dr. Berger’s office?

- Darkness

  1. Why is Conrad “…not easily charmed. Or fooled.”? What has experience taught him in regards to psychiatrists?

- He is cautious and he just want it to get through the first meet.

  1. What does Conrad say that he wants to work on in therapy?

- To be more in control.

  1. What is Dr. Berger’s response?

- He told Conrad that he want to go along with the flow, then he asked Conrad about his parents.

  1. What was different in the hospital?

- Everybody’s more open.

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