Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ordinary People Chap 9 # 20 (200 words response)

20. – (200 Word Response) Describe the progression and what happens in Dr. Berger’s and Conrad’s session. What conclusions does Conrad come to?

Conrad hates to be in a psychiatrist office. He feels that everybody is stupid. He thinks that all psychiatrists are the same. They turn a question into a statement and it tricks you into telling them what they wanted to hear. When he has his first session with Dr. Berger, he wasn’t all that excited about it. One of the reasons is because Dr. Berger is different from other doctors. While other doctors tried to get an answers out of him, Dr. Berger just have a regular talk with him casually and telling him that it’s okay to let your guard down. He also tells Conrad that he doesn’t believe of being in control all the time. It’s not good to be intense. Nobody’s perfect, so it’s okay to make a mistake once in a while.
At first, Conrad thought that it was a joke that he even has to see a doctor at all, because it was no use. But he has to do it because he doesn’t want to disappoint his father. When he first enters Dr. Berger’s office the room was a mess and it was really dark. It was ironic for someone who’s trying to help people to live like this. Conrad soon found out that it wasn’t like this all the time. He doesn’t really care about the sessions at first, but he soon realized that it’s not as bad as he thought it will be and that they actually helped him. It makes him stands up for himself and for once it makes him chose what he wants to do in life and not just what other people think.

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